Welcome to my Blog

WELCOME TO MY BLOG................

The United Nations Website for reporting on the Millennium Development Goals (www.un.org/millenniumgoals/) reports that more than one billion people live in hunger and extreme poverty. Over 32 million children are out of school. In addition to an increased likelihood of being out of school as compared to boys, girls face gender discrimination that leads to lower earning, increased illness and violent crimes. The likelihood of a child dying before its first birthday is 8 times higher for those in developing countries than for those in developed countries, and 13 times higher for the bottom billion of the population. Maternal health, labor and sex trafficking, access to clean water, HIV/AIDS, and environmental sustainability each bear grim statistics that call for action, and perhaps the hardest of all to acknowledge, is that 24,000 children in developing countries die preventable deaths every day.

The purpose of this blog is to provide information related to understanding these issues and to provide multiple resources to enable readers of this blog to take individual action. The blog will also provide updates on current activities and partnerships addressing these issues as well as some “catch up” backstories as many have asked about the path that brought me to my current passion to address social injustices and the belief that real progress is not only possible it's essential and although many of the issues are complex there are many tangible and specific things that can be done now to reduce the suffering and improve the lives of literally billions of people.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Backstory: Pepperdine University Master of Arts in Social Entrepreneurship and Change

In October 2010, as I contemplated the major shift that was underway in my life I realized that I would need to become conversant in an entirely new field.  While my past experience in leadership, change management, operations, and human resources would be relevant and applicable this was an entirely new landscape for me and I needed ways to come up to speed quickly.

I was led to the Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology (http://gsep.pepperdine.edu/welcome/mission/) where I discovered a Master’s Degree in Social Entrepreneurship and Change program that seemed to be tailor made to meet the needs of my transition.  I was immediately interested, signed up for an information session, and began the application process for the Spring 2011 Cohort. 

The program brochure http://gsep.pepperdine.edu/masters-social-entrepreneurship-and-change/content/sec-program-brochure.pdf provides a great overview of the objectives and content of the program, and as I am now finishing up my third term and preparing for my Global Change Experience (see Champions Education Alliance page on this blog) I can attest to the quality of the program, and the incredible value it is providing as I continue my immersion into the field of Social Entrepreneurship and Change. 

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